Curriculum Intent and implementation
‘Our curriculum is designed to provide experiences that build a rich understanding of key knowledge and skills by engaging children and developing their curiosity through exploration, as well as developing their character and learning behaviours so that they become successful lifelong learners’.
Engagement, experiences and exploration
Our children are encouraged to be inquisitive learners by providing opportunities to investigate, problem solve and explore through first-hand experiences so that they develop a love of learning. Examples include;
Planned visits, visitors, use of artefacts, real life experiences
Local history and field studies in every phase
Engagement in cultural activities including sports, music and the arts
Immerse children in a range of rich literature
Building key knowledge and skills
In order for children to build a rich understanding of key knowledge and skills our curriculum is sequential and provides layered learning opportunities in order to revisit and build on prior learning. We support the development of this with;
A carefully constructed curriculum map
Key milestones and layered learning outlined for each phase
Unit organisers to support teaching and learning
Proof of progress opportunities – quizzes, exit/entrance tickets
Schema charts to assess what children know already, form learning links and identify misconceptions
Developing positive learning behaviours
We develop children’s learning behaviours so that they become effective learners. We want our children to be resilient in order to deal with different challenges, persevere to solve problems, seek ways to self-improve and enjoy learning. We want to equip our children for their chosen pathway in life by allowing them to make mistakes and learn from these in a safe environment. We also encourage independence so that they can go on to become successful lifelong learners. We do this through;
Use of pupil planners to develop independence
Use of resources shared via Google Classrooms for home learning
Learning review weeks – personalised targets and recognition of achievements
School values – perseverance, excellence (be the best you can be)
Self and peer assessment opportunities
Opportunities to make choices, form opinions and develop interests and aspirations
Skills Builder – listening, teamwork, staying positive, aiming high and problem solving
Modelling and equipping children with self-regulation strategies
Oracy – providing children with the opportunity to develop effective communication skills
Developing character - (world citizens, healthy individuals, environmentally aware, creative & confident communicators)
Our children develop skills and values in order to work and communicate well with others, appreciate equality and diversity and prepare them for life in the modern world in which we live. We expect children to build strong relationships and appreciate their roles and responsibilities as part of local, national and global communities.
We provide an environment that enables children to be feel safe and happy and value their own self-worth in an atmosphere of support, trust and mutual respect. We develop their character so that they are thoughtful world citizens, healthy individuals, environmentally aware and creative and confident communicators. We achieve this in the following ways;
Valuing out of school contributions to local and wider communities by awarding a ‘Good Citizen’ badge
Celebrating out of school achievements – swimming, football etc
School values – kindness, cooperation, honesty
Committees including citizenship, anti-bullying ambassadors, fair trade
Opportunities to work with others beyond our school community
Charitable work and fundraising
GREAT ways to wellbeing
Opportunities to perform each year
Skills builder – speaking and creativity
Global links established
Promoting equality/diversity – wide range of texts, celebrating cultural events