We have a variety of rewards systems in school, these include:
Written comments on work
Good behaviour written in pupils planners
Bronze, Silver and Gold award stamps in planners
Stickers / stamps to stick on work or to wear
Telling parents (verbally or written)
Children displaying good behaviour are moved up the ladder in the classroom and given praise
Praise postcards sent home
House points awarded for good work/ effort
Achievement awards/certificates/badges for sport, swimming and other achievements
Work featured in monthly newsletter / school website
Writing awards presented each term
Maths awards presented each term
Citizenship awards presented each term
VIP of the week
A whole school assembly is held every term, where staff nominate children from every class to have a Praise Certificate – the child’s name is recorded in the Gold Book
Children who have been particularly good are sent to the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Assistant Head for extra praise
Children who have been awarded several gold stamp awards participate in a behaviour reward afternoon
House points
Children are also awarded house points for good work and effort. Children keep their individual house point totals with stickers on a poster on display in the classroom. When a child has collected a given total, they are rewarded with a pin badge.
Every child also belongs to a House Team, and they can earn house points that feed into the collective total for their team (Priory, Abbey, Manor, and Shenstone). These are collated each week by our house captains and the winning house is announced in whole school assembly and displayed in the hall.