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We work very hard to communicate effectively with our parents and carers and we are always looking for new ways to achieve this.


Our website aims to have current and useful information for parents readily available at all times.

You will find information in the calendar of dates and events throughout the year. We produce a whole year calendar that has key dates for your diaries, such as sports days, parent’s evenings and school productions, enabling you to know about these events in advance so that you can make the necessary arrangements.

Our website also has a variety of curriculum information, such as key school policies and reading, writing and maths targets, for you to access easily.


All of our communications to parents are issued via Parentmail. Parentmail is an online communication tool which issues emails and texts to parents. At Lapal all of our letters are  emailed to you via Parentmail, thus ensuring that they reach their destination rather than lying at the bottom of a school bag…! You are automatically registered with Parentmail when your child starts school. Urgent communications are also issued via text message (though this communication tool)

For more information about Parentmail please contact the school office.

We publish a monthly newsletter, which gives parents a summary of what has been going on and what is coming up. These newsletters can also be found on the school website, so you can always stay in touch!

Pupil planners

All our pupils have an individual pupil planner that is a ‘one stop shop’ for information and communication. The planners have copies of the children’s reading, writing and maths targets and contain information such as useful websites, times tables and maths info and handwriting guidance.  There is a weekly diary where staff, pupils and parents can regularly communicate with each other. Reading is also recorded in the weekly diary. We ask parents and staff to sign the planners every week so that we know that they are being well used and any issue are being addressed.