Curriculum by Year Group
EYFS Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
Let’s Celebrate is our topic focus this term. During the first half term, we will be sharing our favourite things, exploring our school and getting to know our new teachers and friends. In the second half term, we will identify how the autumn season impacts ourselves and the natural world and take part in community celebrations including Bonfire Night and Diwali. We will also be inviting our grown-ups to school workshops to share our learning and prepare for our first performance ‘The Christmas Spectacular’.
Year 1 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
Throughout the Autumn term, the children in year one will be learning about weather patterns in and around the United Kingdom. In history, they will learn about great and ghastly disasters of the past, focusing on The Great Fire of London. As scientists, the children will investigate everyday materials and their properties and will learn about seasonal changes. In computing, the children will learn about the basics of a computer and will explore motion using Beebots robots. In DT, the children will explore moving pictures and investigate how to use levers and pop ups. As artists, they will learn how to draw different lines to sketch a variety of buildings. During music, the children will learn to play the recorder. In PE, the children will take part in multi-skills activities to improve fitness and they will learn how to perform dance routines to stories.
Year 2 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term, we will be learning about habitats. The children will work scientifically by gathering and recording data to answer questions, and they will also investigate arctic and water habitats. In art, the children will draw their self-portraits and in DT, the children will design and create a freestanding structure. In computing, children will develop their coding skills. The children will continue to develop their recorder skills through the medium of Vivaldi – four seasons Winter. During PE lessons, we will continue to develop our agility, balance and co-ordination through our multi-skills unit and in dance we will work to music to create movements that show rhythm and control. In RE, we will learn about different festivals.
Year 3/4 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term, we will be learning about electricity. The children will work scientifically by grouping and identifying electrical components as well as completing a comparative enquiry to answer the question 'Do bulbs get brighter with more cells?'. In art, children will take inspiration from Andy Warhol's 'Campbell's Soup Can' to create an observational drawing on an everyday object. Throughout DT, the children will learn skills to enable them to cook a soup based on celebrating seasonal foods. In computing, children will learn to write code that includes variables through Expresso Coding. The children will continue to develop their skills at playing the Glockenspiel within Music. During PE lessons, we will continue to develop their fitness through 'Bootcamp' and 'Step to the Beat'. In RE, we will learn about Jesus, looking at the key question of 'Why Jesus was called the Saviour'. In our History and Geography, we will be focussing on Prehistory and geological events such as volcanoes and earthquakes.
Year 5 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term, we will be learning about properties and the changes to materials. The children will work scientifically by gathering and recording data to answer questions including ‘How can mixtures be separated?’. In art, children will look at drawing still life by focussing on objects. Throughout DT, the children will focus on structure and will create a small scale bird hide. In computing, children will learn to code, altering speed, direction and co-ordinates. The children will continue to develop their keyboard skills using music by Bach- Toccata and Fugue within Music. During PE lessons, we will continue to develop their physical fitness by completing a bootcamp unit. In RE, we will learn about Christian beliefs and focus on the story of Adam and Eve. In our History and Geography, we will be focussing on The Industrial Revolution and Trade and Economics around the world.
Year 6 Curriculum Map
Autumn Term
During the Autumn term, we will be learning about healthy bodies. The children will work scientifically by gathering and recording data to answer questions including ‘What does our heart rate tell us?’. In art, children will look at the skills of drawing by focussing on 'People in action'. Throughout DT, the children will develop their cooking skills by baking loaves of bread. In computing, children will learn to create code including complex variables and use Purple Mash to look at blogging. Children will continue to develop their keyboard skills within Music. During PE lessons, we will continue to develop their street dance by using diversity as a stimulus and improving their hand-eye co-ordination skills within our Invaders unit. In RE, we will learn about Christian beliefs and will focus on 'The Salvation Story'. In our History and Geography, we will be focussing on Ancient Greece and investigating our European neighbours to compare climate, time zones and tropics.